Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Week 3: University of Washington School of Business

University of Washington School of Business

Architect: LMN Architects
Name of School: University of Washington
Year Built: 2010 (completed)
Client: University of Washington Business school
Location: Seattle, Washington, USA

      The University of Washington School of Business building expresses both sophistication and openness in its design. The building is almost forcing you to think outside of the box. With the different parts of the building protruding from the center rectangle, this building promotes outside the box thinking. The use of all the glass gives it an openness that many schools don’t have. The overall structure resembles a bunch of mismatched Jenga blocks. This formation of mismatched pieces may seem messy, but the glass makes the building clean cut. The division of spaces exhibits the focus on education with collaboration in the building with massive U-shaped lecture halls. This U-shape promotes collaboration, because it causes the students to be facing each other. This is a school of business, and the architecture makes notice of that. It looks like an office building, but with a mismatched structure. This relates to the curriculum taught because business is collaborative field of study.

Blue= Classrooms (smaller)
Yellow= Lecture Halls
Red= Leisure/Social Areas

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