Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Weekly Response 01: Communication


This piece of furniture favors the human figure. The lines are very soft to invite a very comforting chair to sit on.  With the softer lines and the use of a lighter wood the chair displays some lightness to it.  The chair can seem unstable with only 3 legs so the chair seems that it might be unstable.   


I chose my Soccer bag for my evocative piece because this object brings back many memories of playing soccer.  Running through the rain trying to arrive to practice on time while carrying a bag twice the size and weight of me at the time was a struggle. The soft lines of the bag that easily blend into the soccer ball show more of my softer and younger days.  The worn of the bag also show how much wear and tear the bag has been through as well as the harsh and kind memories.  


 The Lorch Column in front to the Art and Architecture Building on North Campus represents a Corinthian column and very stable piece of architecture.  This column represents a young and feminine figure because of the top decoration.  The steel support makes the column very sturdy but also adds some modernism to an old column style.                     

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