Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Charette 1 (No clever title this time!)

We chose to take a section of the bench/lamppost and trashcan combination in the Northwest corner of the Diag. We chose this area because it had interesting implications for a section cut, such as the trash in the trashcan and the wiring in the lamppost/block combo. We chose to cut from the ground up in order to include both the trashcan and the lamppost/block combination. It is unusual to see a lamppost on top of another object, and we thought it could be a unique section cut.

The section gives us an insight into several different things, depending on what portion is being discussed. The lamppost/block combination section allows us to see what sort of design is required to mount a lamppost somewhere, including the strength of mounting bolts, and the amount of wiring required to make what looks like a light bulb on a pole actually work. It allows access to a world that is not often thought about, which is a great way to start discussions about the surrounding environment. It is a window into what makes our environment function. The trashcan’s section would give us a unique picture of the outside shell, but also show us what it is people throw away in public places. If, for example, the trashcan contains many coffee cups, we could conclude that coffee is something that is important to Michigan students. (Which it is). It is not only a statement of design, but also one of usage, and the interaction between an object and the society it is in.

The placement of these objects was used to help create the square that is the Diag’s hub. These objects act as a barrier to entering from the side and force one to enter from a diagonal angle, and also mark the northwest corner of this area. Diagonally from this set up is another bench that performs the same function, creating a threshold one must cross to enter the Diag proper.

The plan for this selection of objects would be quite different, because you would lose some of the height difference and you would not be able to see things like the lamp on top of the block. The section enables us to understand where things are in relation to each other in the vertical spatial sense. A plan only allows a bird’s eye view, which helps to place the objects in a larger context, something that a section does not enable us to do.

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