Wednesday, September 18, 2013


  This corner of a building is anthropomorphic because of its overall shape, its windows, and edgings. The two top windows look like eyes, while the edge down the center creates a nose. The top edging looks like hair, almost like pigtails. The center window under the triangle ridge looks like a mouth. Its overall shape is like a cylinder, which resembles the shape of a head.

This speaker is metaphoric in that it almost represents its function by the way it looks. The smoothness of the plastic and the edges makes it very casual. It has ridges of a more neon orange color down its front which resembles a musical staff, which brings it back to the function of this speaker.
This chair is evocative because of the relaxation that it creates. The angle of the chair is like one that you would sit on at a swimming pool, and that creates a memory of relaxation within me. Also, the ridges in the chair make me think of something spongy and soft, also making this chair evocative.

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