Monday, September 16, 2013

Blog Entry 1: Communication


         This house is my childhood home and is evocative of so many memories from my younger years.  Though it probably appears to most to have a hard exterior, with the straight lines, pointed edges, and brick surface, to me I get a feeling of softness and familiarity whenever I look at it.  It makes me feel calm and happy.  When I look at the less slanted portion of the roof below the left-most window, I remember all the times my sister and I would lay out there.  The carefully placed sunroof next to those windows remind me of how the sun would shine through our entry foyer and staircase and light up the whole house.


To me, this water bottle anthropomorphized a dolphin.  Though made with hard plastic, with all the rounded edges it has a very soft appearance, much like that of a dolphin.  Dolphins too have a softer feel to them with their naturally curved body.   As well, the lid curves into what reminded me of the dorsal fin of a dolphin, and the hole in the lid (though not in the right place) resembled a blow hole to me.  All of this on top of the blue-grey color of the bottle (color of a dolphin) and the fact that it holds water (like the dolphin’s habitat) really aided in my discovery of a dolphin within this water bottle.


This chair is metaphoric of femininity and the dainty qualities that are often associated with womanhood.  The white color suggests a certain pureness and innocence that historically are seen as feminine.  The legs taper off into delicate tips that make the chair seem almost weak and a little unstable, as opposed to maybe something that is firmly and boldly planted into the ground. Also everything has curves to it, from the top empty space, to the cushion, to the tapered legs, much like the curves of a woman.

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