Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Nobody knows what it means, but it's evocative!

Perry Building (my photo)

Evocative: This building with its brick architecture and many windows reminded me of an elementary or middle school. My primary schools were made primarily of brick, but had many windows to create a bright, warming environment. The turret is reminiscent of the  design of my school, which had various levels, including a tower. This added a bit of mystery and flair to the school, and allowed us to speculate about what was occurring in the school while we were not there.

Sofa in the Union Opera Lounge (my photo)

Metaphorical:  This sofa speaks of a refined dignity, reminding one literally of the opera setting in which it is placed. It has a dark maroon cushion which is gently curved at the top, reminiscent of the graceful curves of cocktail dresses worn for an evening out. The color itself is somber and dignified, like those found in a library or elegant restaurant. The wooden frame itself consists of slim slats and tapered columns. These columns are curved, referencing the classical style of "important" buildings today. 

Vase in Beanster's in the Michigan League (my photo)

Anthropomorphic: The vase has the rough shape of the human body, with a round head, tapered neck and fatter and round body. The round head structure is small, compared to the rest of the body, giving the vase the appearance of a dainty person. The flared neck reminds me of a particularly awful turtleneck my aunt owns, which gives this sphere and her head the appearance of being in the middle of a satellite dish. The body itself is substantial and looks like a person standing at attention, with arms at the sides and legs together. It exudes strength and perhaps discipline. 

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