Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Auroville Kindergarten, Auroville, India

Architecture team: Auroville Building Centre
School: Auroville Kindergarten
Auroville, India
Completed in 2004
Elevation, Section, Floor Plan

The colorful surroundings, the open-air canopies and spacious indoor educational facilities truly make the kindergarten into what kindergarten was intended to be: a child's garden, not some quasi-prison that parents tend to send their kids.

The facilities are quite large for how few kids attend, which lends to how much space the kids are given and how much individual attention is allotted to each child in attendance. The main classrooms are grouped together in the middle to show that education is the main focus, but there is room around the classes to explore and play. They have even distanced the activity classrooms and playgrounds from the main classrooms to sectionalize these different aspects of their education. While some of the outer facilities are open-air with nothing but a roof over the top, like the arts and crafts room, allowing creativity to flow, the educational buildings are closed in to focus, but with large windows and tall ceilings to allow breathing room.

If I were a parent, I would be confident to send my student here, whether for daycare or kindergarten. Just from the design of the facilities, I would see that my kid would have space to grow, learn, but also enjoy themselves.

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