Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Weekly Response 1: Communication

Anthropomorphic furniture
My first object happens to be my own armchair. Very non-deliberate, with the legs up, my chair has similar qualities as an elephant. Broad, stout, not too tall but very large and sturdy.  The wrinkled leather is reminiscent of the skin on an elephant. Even the legs of the chair remind me of the trunk. I could even go as far as to say the chair reminds me of wisdom and knowledge, as does an elephant, as I do most of my homework on the chair.

Metaphoric Object:
"Every instrument has its own physiognomy. The sight of a tennis racket provokes a feeling of vitality" (Rasmussen, 30). And as a racket provokes vitality, my trombone provokes royalty. The shiny quality of the brass gives it an expensive, regal quality, as if it were above it all. The shape of the horn even speaks monarchy; there is one size of pipe throughout the whole instrument until the bell, giving it a big "mouth," as if to say that he will speak louder, and you must obey him. While many brass instruments have many pipes wrapped up, the trombone is open, saying it doesn't have to work hard to be heard. He brings the attention to himself. 

Evocative Architecture: 
An evocative piece of architecture is the Louvre Museum glass pyramid in France. It is evocative of the ancient pyramids of Egypt. The purpose of the building is an entrance to a museum in France. As the entrance, it is interesting that they chose a glass pyramid, as if the people entering the museum were being able to see through to the past as they see through and walk through this structure. Every person that comes to this museum does not just get to observe and admire the architecture, but they experience it.

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